Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I Don't Want to Hear About Selena Gomez (or Anybody Else) 'Getting Fat' Anymore. Okay?

In recent weeks I have seen way too many reports of Selena Gomez 'getting fat'. At first, it was just on the cover page of one magazine, which I ignored. But now I have seen it at least six or seven times, from multiple sources. Therefore, I really have to say, enough is enough.

Nobody should be judged by how their body looks. People are way more than their bodies, and everyone should be judged by what they do in life, what they contribute to the world. Not how their body looks.

Not that there is anything wrong with having a bit more (or less) fat compared with the average, as it is often a genetically determined thing. In fact, I believe that fat shaming should therefore be in the same category as racism, sexism and homophobia, because it's really the same thing. It's all shaming people for their genetic makeup. If it's not OK to put others down because of their race, gender or sexual orientation, it's not OK to put others down because of their body fat or lack thereof.

For these two reasons, I will boycott any magazine that runs the Selena Gomez 'getting fat' story for three months, if I see it again. I think it's only fair that we send them a message.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mood Music of the Week: Diana Vickers - Cinderella

Recently the movie Cinderella did very well at the box office. Why would anyone want to see a movie that's been done so many times already? I guess the answer is in the magic of Cinderella, the magic of dreams coming true. It is this idea that has been getting me through life recently. And this song I want to share with you captures this magic very well. (It's a shame that they didn't use it in the movie.)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Is Your Life Just Too Bad? Or Is It How You Look At It?

Do you sometimes feel that your life just doesn't measure up? That perhaps you need a life much grander than what you currently have? That missed opportunities mean you just won't ever catch up with other people?

Don't worry, many people feel like this too sometimes. But often, it's just because people have the wrong perspective. The well described phenomenon of some people putting the best view of their lives on facebook for others to see, and other people feeling like a failure in life as a result of reading glamorous facebook updates from their friends, is a good example. But it doesn't just happen with facebook. In life, some people just have a talent in emphasizing the best parts of their life and feeling great as a result, whilst others tend to focus more on what they are missing out on.

If you are not born wired that way, learning to emphasize the best parts of your life may take some time. A good way to start is by taking out a piece of paper and brainstorming what good things you already have in your life. Another exercise you may try is to write down the dreams that you have always had, and think about in what ways you are already moving closer to those dreams, compared with a decade ago. Exercises like these can help you think about your life journey in a more fulfilling way.

Download the full song here.

Angelle's Three Questions: Kim Kardashian

I wouldn't call myself a fan of Kim Kardashian, but I do have three important questions to ask her if I do get to meet her one day.

Question one: If you were instead just an average American young woman with an average income, and yet somebody offered you a chance to star in a reality TV show like the one you are currently doing (but obviously with a much more average lifestyle), would you still do it?

Question two: A lot of people look up to you and your family. This means you have a lot of cultural power, power to make people change their minds. Some people use their cultural power to advance causes like charity, or minority rights. I for one would surely like to have your global cultural power - I can just imagine the things I would be able to do with it. Is there anything that you wish to do for this world, using your cultural power?

Question three: Your previous 'marriage', the one that was shorter than a TV show season, offended many people who were passionate about the ideals of marriage. I am a strong believer in recognising what you did wrong in life, and making amends where possible. Do you regret what you did in any way? And if you do regret it, what would you do to make up for it?