In recent weeks I have seen way too many reports of Selena Gomez 'getting fat'. At first, it was just on the cover page of one magazine, which I ignored. But now I have seen it at least six or seven times, from multiple sources. Therefore, I really have to say, enough is enough.
Nobody should be judged by how their body looks. People are way more than their bodies, and everyone should be judged by what they do in life, what they contribute to the world. Not how their body looks.
Not that there is anything wrong with having a bit more (or less) fat compared with the average, as it is often a genetically determined thing. In fact, I believe that fat shaming should therefore be in the same category as racism, sexism and homophobia, because it's really the same thing. It's all shaming people for their genetic makeup. If it's not OK to put others down because of their race, gender or sexual orientation, it's not OK to put others down because of their body fat or lack thereof.
For these two reasons, I will boycott any magazine that runs the Selena Gomez 'getting fat' story for three months, if I see it again. I think it's only fair that we send them a message.