Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Miley, Mark My Word, You Will Regret It

‘I would say everyone has to start from the bottom, to get where they want to go and work on things they don’t really care about doing. So I had to do that for five years. I had to work on something that wasn’t really a passion for me just because I wanted to be able to get here, so when I was older I’d be able to just do what I want and not have to work for money," Miley recently told the Daily Mail in the UK regarding her changed image.

It would mark my greatest disappointment in Miley Cyrus, like ever. Are you really telling us that the Miley we liked was not a passion for you at all, and the real you is like what we are now seeing? I guess I really have to re-assess how I see you, and what I have seen in you all these years.

"I don’t think people have a hard time understanding that I’ve grown up," she also said. Well, it's not about growing up. It's about what kind of lifestyle, what kind of values you represent. If this is your true colours that you are now showing us, then it's not pretty at all.

I guess Miley has top and bottom mixed up. She started from the top, and is about to hit rock bottom, whilst thinking that she was going the other way. How tragic. At least those who grew up with Hilary Duff as their childhood idol didn't have to suffer seeing her 'change' like that.

By TaraElla (News, Website)