Thursday, April 25, 2013

Family Tattoo? Obama's a Genius!

President Obama has revealed his tactic to prevent his daughters from getting tattoos on NBC's Today show recently. "What we've said to the girls is, 'If you guys ever decide you're going to get a tattoo, then mommy and me will get the exact same tattoo, in the same place, and we'll go on YouTube and show it off as a family tattoo," he said.

Obama's really a genius, isn't he?

I guess people should have the freedom to have a tattoo, but I think they are disgusting frankly, and if I ever have children they will not be permitted to have a tattoo, ever. For those of us who don't like tattoos, however, Hollywood has been unhelpful recently, with a slew of celebrities getting tattoos everywhere (e.g. I love Miley Cyrus but her tattooing behaviour is turning me off a bit, frankly). I guess I may have to steal Obama's tactic if I have kids one day.

By TaraElla (News, Website)