Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Silent Majority vs Noisy Fundamentalists

We are the silent majority. We are for decency, we are for equal opportunity for all people. Now this would be uncontroversial, if not for a noisy minority. A noisy minority who think they are always right and shove their particular version of religion down our throats. It is time for us to stand up to this noisy minority and put them back in their place.

A lot of us may consider that we are too busy to do that. But to defend the decency of our society should be a major priority. To ensure the equality of our brothers and sisters should be a major priority. If we don't stand up collectively, they will use their noisiness to dictate to society their version of the world, with disastrous results. We just cannot let that happen, can we?

By TaraElla (News, Website)