Monday, September 30, 2013

Miley Needed to Come Out of Hannah Montana, But Not Like This

Miley's dad Billy Ray Cyrus is continuing to defend his daughter in the face of controversy.

"Miley's smart enough to know that to come out of the shadows of 'Hannah Montana,' it really takes something extremely drastic, which when you go to that level, it creates passion, and passion is either love or hate. But there's no middle of the road for passion," Billy Ray said recently.

I think that's a bad way of thinking about it. To come out of the shadows of Hannah Montana is to grow up, and growing up can happen in a number of ways. For me, growing up meant being aware of the issues in our world and the plight of people, and working to make things better, for example. In my own work I create passion too, a passion that can be divisive as Billy Ray said. For example I have created a common bond with our passion with many people working for social justice over the years, however many of the more conservative people from my past really don't like my staunch support for marriage equality.

Growing up and creating passion is necessary, but what Miley did is a poor way to achieve these things.

By TaraElla (News, Website) Discuss at the Forum!